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Ram Setu: Bridging Myth and Reality

Ram Setu Pul, also known as Adam’s Bridge, is a remarkable formation connecting India’s southern tip to Sri Lanka’s northwestern coast. Its existence and origin have sparked debates and legends.
  • Nala, along with his twin brother Nila, embarked on this monumental project.
  • They used roots, stones, and trees to build a bridge spanning 10 yojanas in width (approximately 48 km) and 100 yojanas in length.
The Construction
According to the epic Ramayana, Lord Rama and his army of Vanaras (apes and monkeys) built Ram Setu to reach demon king Ravana’s Lanka. 
The Mythical Origins
Ram Setu: The Movie

 In the film Ram Setu, Dr. Aryan Kulshreshta discovers evidence supporting its ancient construction.
Whether myth or reality, Ram Setu continues to captivate hearts and minds. Its story transcends time, connecting ancient legends to our modern world.